
Connected architecture: the end of information chaos

Illustration depicting a connected data landscape
— written by Marnix Dalebout and Martijn ten Napel We live in an age where data technology is developing at an accelerated pace. The massive increase in information and its possible applications have led to an increase in complexity and information chaos. We see a lot of companies struggling with their data use.... keep on reading

The answer to complexity is not more complexity (5/5)

Illustration with this article
I started with the question why it is so difficult to get a grip on information projects. To unravel this question, I started looking at how information is used, what this means for the interaction between information consumers and information producers and how context can increase the complexity in an interaction... keep on reading

The role of context: the source of all complexity (4/5)

The question of what differentiates BI or analytics from other data uses has always interested me. I think that I am now able to answer the question quite simply: we deal with context differently. Data is used to gain insights into where we stand with our organisations, how effortless or cumbersome the operational processes... keep on reading

The interaction model between information consumers and information producers (3/5)

Illustration with this article
In the previous article, five use patterns for information were introduced. How you use information differs per pattern. This influences how the information consumers and the professionals who are preparing the information work together. Before I go into how the interaction unfolds, I would first like to prevent any confusion... keep on reading